The following protocols are available globally.
Types conforming to this protocol can be extracted
See moreNode.Scalar
public protocol ScalarConstructible
Confirming types are convertible to base 60 numeric values.
See moreDeclaration
public protocol SexagesimalConvertible : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
A class-bound protocol which implements a strategy for detecting aliasable values in a YAML document. Implementations should return RedundancyAliasingOutcome.anchor(…) for the first occurrence of a value. Subsequent occurrences of the same value (where same-ness is defined by the implementation) should return RedundancyAliasingOutcome.alias(…) where the contained Anchor has the same value as the previously returned RedundancyAliasingOutcome.anchor(…). Its the identity of the Anchor values returned that ultimately informs the YAML encoder when to use aliases. N,B. It is essential that implementations release all references to Anchors which are created by this type when releaseAnchorReferences() is called by the Encoder. After this call the implementation will no longer be referenced by the Encoder and will itself be released.
See moreDeclaration
public protocol RedundancyAliasingStrategy : AnyObject
public protocol NodeRepresentable
Type is representable as
See moreNode.scalar
public protocol ScalarRepresentable : NodeRepresentable
Types conforming to this protocol can be encoded by
See moreYamlEncoder
public protocol YAMLEncodable : Encodable
Types that conform to YamlAnchorProviding and Encodable can optionally dictate the name of a yaml anchor when they are encoded with YAMLEncoder
See moreDeclaration
public protocol YamlAnchorProviding
YamlAnchorCoding refines YamlAnchorProviding. Types that conform to YamlAnchorCoding and Decodable can decode yaml anchors from source documents into
See moreAnchor
values for reference or modification in memory.Declaration
public protocol YamlAnchorCoding : YamlAnchorProviding
Types that conform to YamlTagProviding and Encodable can optionally dictate the name of a yaml tag when they are encoded with YAMLEncoder
See moreDeclaration
public protocol YamlTagProviding
YamlTagCoding refines YamlTagProviding. Types that conform to YamlTagCoding and Decodable can decode yaml tags from source documents into
See moreTag
values for reference or modification in memory.Declaration
public protocol YamlTagCoding : YamlTagProviding