Mapping public struct Mapping extension Node.Mapping: Comparable extension Node.Mapping: Equatable extension Node.Mapping: Hashable extension Node.Mapping: ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral extension Node.Mapping: MutableCollection A mapping is the YAML equivalent of a Dictionary. Show on GitHub tag This mapping’s Tag. Declaration Swift public var tag: Tag Show on GitHub style The style to use when emitting this Mapping. Declaration Swift public var style: Style Show on GitHub mark This mapping’s Mark. Declaration Swift public var mark: Mark? Show on GitHub anchor The anchor for this node. Declaration Swift public weak var anchor: Anchor? Show on GitHub Style The style to use when emitting a Mapping. See more Declaration Swift public enum Style : UInt32 Show on GitHub init(_:_:_:_:_:) Create a Node.Mapping using the specified parameters. Declaration Swift public init(_ pairs: [(Node, Node)], _ tag: Tag = .implicit, _ style: Style = .any, _ mark: Mark? = nil, _ anchor: Anchor? = nil) Parameters pairs The array of (Node, Node) tuples to generate this mapping. tag This mapping’s Tag. style The style to use when emitting this Mapping. mark This mapping’s Mark. Show on GitHub Collection Index The index type for this mapping. Declaration Swift public typealias Index = Array<Element>.Index Show on GitHub Dictionary-like APIs keys This mapping’s keys. Similar to Dictionary.keys. Declaration Swift public var keys: LazyMapCollection<Node.Mapping, Node> { get } Show on GitHub values This mapping’s values. Similar to Dictionary.values. Declaration Swift public var values: LazyMapCollection<Node.Mapping, Node> { get } Show on GitHub subscript(_:) Set or get the Node for the specified string’s Node representation. Declaration Swift public subscript(string: String) -> Node? { get set } Show on GitHub subscript(_:) Set or get the specified Node. Declaration Swift public subscript(node: Node) -> Node? { get set } Show on GitHub index(forKey:) Get the index of the specified Node, if it exists in the mapping. Declaration Swift public func index(forKey key: Node) -> Index? Show on GitHub